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About Us

Stan Dennison and the Sta-Natural team wanted to take their Sta-Restored product, a product that had already helped so many with joint pain, arthritis and similar ailments, and offer the same aid to the equine world. Being a race horse owner himself, Stan had the Sta-Restored reformulated for horses and sent to his trainer and horse Snow Skier.

It wasn't long before Snow Skier started winning big! His performance had vastly improved, and the racing world took notice. Soon, horse owners around the country were asking what had helped Stan's horse and how they could get it too. At that point, Sta-Sound was born, creating an animal-driven company committed to providing the best animal products for horses, dogs, cats and livestock show animals.

Sta-Sound's Equine Joint Supplement and Fix-A-Stride Joint Supplement for Livestock Show Animals have been used by professionals at racetracks and show arenas for years with excellent results. Sta-Sound's Canine Joint Supplement also made waves with dog owners with its patented real-beef formula.

Recently, Sta-Sound expanded its line of natural pet care products to include pest repellents, waterless shampoos, breath foams and more. Sta-Sound prides itself on creating a healthier life for pet owners and their furry friends by using natural and safe ingredients.
